English   Español   Italiano   Português   DeutscheFifteen Game: ArcadeX-Kings

Help - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to play ?

You need a web browser with Javascript enabled. Any modern web brower will do. The game is free.

How do I save the game ?

Bookmark the page in your browser. This will save a link to the level you have reached. To go back to that level, just use your bookmark.

How do I play ?

In each level, you need to put back all the tiles in the original order. To move the tiles, click on them. Moreover there is a timer, and you need to finish the level before time runs out!

There is a tile that I can not move!!

Some levels have some tiles that are blocked and can not be moved. They are easy to distinguish because they have a special colour.

What is the relationship with X-Kings ?

'Fifteen Game: Arcade' was written by the X-Kings staff to have a bit of fun. :-) X-Kings is a massively multiplayer online game that is played using a web browser. Click here to go to X-Kings

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